Published Sep 7, 2007
71 Posts
i feel that the public has lost the respect that we nurses should be getting and really deserve for the hard and long work we have done and still do to get where each and one of us are!!!i feel that this nursing shortage has also to do we the fact that people do not want to go to school and become nurses because of all the horrible things happening now to nurses like increasing work load, pt. ratios, long hours, low pay rate and probably even looking at no more salary raises!!! it really imazes me how everyone expect us to be in top shape and basically know what a doctor knows to be able to keep the patients as well as possible and not only that but for the sad reason of no one trying to make a law suit or take our license that we work so hard for...and expect us not to burn out, complaint, or not get a well over due deserved raise/salary!!! but most of all i honestly feel that none of this will stop or slow down until we nurses do get together and might be the only way for us to be heard and/or call the union!!!i really feel we hold the power to stop it... at least to scare them!
if you all can do or say something that will change for sure your working conditions what would that be and why?