Published Jun 23, 2010
285 Posts
I just submitted an online application for a really a position that I know will have tons of applicants. How do I follow up so I can stand out? I don't know anyone at the hospital.
462 Posts
Give it a couple of days then call and request to speak with the Nurse recruiter. Most likely you will be sent to her/his voicemail. I would leave the message stating who you are, your phone number, and that you are following up an an application you recently submitted.
This is what I did this past Monday and I got positive results and two interviews:
I received a phone call 30 minutes after calling the nurse recruiter. Call first thing in the morning say 8 or 8 30 am. I don't know about you but I am more awake and alert in the AM. So I figured they would be too. When the recruiter called me back she wanted me to fill out that Gallap survey. I had done it the night before for another hospital. I notified her that and told her what hospital. She explained she knew the recruiter there and she would call and get those results, then she said she will call me back before the end of the day. 30 minutes after that I received a phone call from the other hospital that I submitted an app to the night before calling to schedule an interview. Before I knew it I had two interviews!! Both on the same day!! So exciting!
Anyway I had to share my exciting news.
Good Luck to you!!
That IS excitting!!!! Thank you for sharing your experience. May I ask if you have a BSN or ADN?
13 Posts
I waited until the application period was closed and then called to get the Nurse Recruiter's contact info. I sent her an e-mail expressing my interest and asking when I should hear back. I got a call from her the next day and was offered 2 positions, so it must have worked. I suggested the same to my friend who hadn't hear anything from any hospitals and then she got calls back after she did the same. Hope it goes well for you!