Published Mar 16, 2009
7 Posts
Hi there,
I'm a radiologic technologist with my BS in health sciences and considering going back to school to get my Accel. BSN with a goal of becoming a CRNA. I have alwasy considered nursing as a career, was actually accepted to a BSN program out of high school, but decided to take another route and get my radiography degree (2 year AS program). I am almost 23, female, no kids, and figure I would finish my MSN CRNA degree by the time I'm about 30 (start 15 month ABSN May 2010-Aug. 2011, 1-2 years ICU exp., 28 month MSN degree). I was fairly shocked with the job market for radiographers when I graduated school (only 1 person out my graduating class of 20 got a full time job!). I have been working per diem for the past two years since I graduated (from my AS) and transferred to get my BS degree full-time. Now that I'm done with my BS degree, I still can't find FT employment (I need health insurance!), and am really disappointed with the hourly wage in my state (new hires only start at $16/hour!) when the cost of living and taxes in my state are very high! I have been taking a few night classes in computers/networking while working per diem, thinking I might be able to get into PACS/RIS administration or other dept. network systems admin. in the hospital (or any business), but still not too sure about the employment reliability in the computer/IT area either...
I love working with people, caring for others, but was always a little "nervous" about all the procedures/responsibilities nurses have (although we do our share of fun as rad techs, too). I know I could do if I put my mind to it... I had a fairly easy time in college with good grades (3.85 graduating BS GPA, and I took pre-med science courses like Bio, Chem, Physics, etc). I realize the commitment and challenges of nursing school and the CRNA program and fully respect anyone who goes through it! I like the idea of becoming a CRNA, more autonomy, you pick your place of work and hours, better pay, more specialized, etc. The only thing I am concerned about is how women (and men) out there balance family life and work life. I am in no hurry, by any means, to get married and have a family, but by the time I graduate CNRA school, I may thinking of that. I don't plan on having a huge family or being a stay at home mom for life or anything like that... I just want options and don't want my career to completely rule my life. How do you guys balance your career and other aspects of your life? I want a family first, then my career, not the other way around! Is CRNA the career for me? Or is it a full-time, life changing comittment? I realize one must love their job and always be focused on continuing education and what is best for the patient... but I also want a job that I can leave at the hospital and come home to my family and still have "other interests." No offense to anyone, I don't want to be an MD or work 80 hours a week (I have huge respect for those who can do that). I just want a stable, rewarding career that will allow my family and I to live confortably and happily. I know it may be somewhat stressful of a career (as there is stress in ANY job), but don't want it to affect my entire life (is there a high "burn out" rate like there is in some other nursing specialties?) I would also like the opportunity to maybe work part-time if I have kids...
What are you opinions? How do you balance work and home life? Would any of you do anything different (if you could go back)? Is CRNA a good "mothers" career? Thank you for your time and opinions...
56 Posts
My wife and I are CRNAs wee work 3 days a week. If you cannot balance that workload with family........