How to answer this interview question....

Nurses General Nursing


Hello all,

I have an interview coming up for a position in a memory care unit, part time.

How do I answer the question: "Why do you want to work with memory care/dementia patients? What qualities do you feel like you can bring to the unit?"

Also, with dementia patients, as is typical, if they are talking wildly about some story they feel really happened, or are showing erratic behavior...which are you supposed to do? Are you supposed to ask them more questions to get details into the story, redirect them, or correct their behavior? I have always thought it best to redirect them, but I hear different answers to this question all the time.

Thanks in advance for your answers!

Specializes in Med-Surg, & ED.
Specializes in LTC, geriatric, renal.

I am curious what else they asked you as I am applying for an RN position at a memory-care assisted living facility. I have never interviewed for a nursing position ( I am a new grad) so I am only prepared for the "typical/general" interview question. Also, just out of curiosity what state are you's hard to get a job here in California!

Congratulations again! Celebrate your success!


Thanks, Rebecca for the congrats!

I will try and remember all that I can...

I live in OHIO, and after first passing the nclex it was nearly impossible to find a job here, too. But I have been a nurse for a year and have a prn job at another facility where I am able to sometimes work in a dementia unit. This interviewer really focused on that, my current position and what I do in the memory unit there. She told me that she had interviewed a couple other people for the position already (whether thats true or not I dont know) and asked me to tell her what made me stand out from the other applicants. What could I give her that would make me different and more likely to be hired...

She asked pretty general questions about how I would deal with staff under me (STNAs, CNAs etc.) and would I work well with them (The answer was of course, yes.)

The most important question she asked me was probably, how is caring for memory-loss patients different than caring for any other? What do you have to do differently with them/what would you do in certain situations with them?

She also asked about what it was that drew to me to apply to their facility and how did I hear about them, and so on...I would really research whoever it is you are applying with before you go for an interview that way you are able to focus on their aspects of care and values when you get there.

As a side note, this woman who will now be my boss was completely unprofessional in the interview. This facility is really nice, but she had me sit there while she powered on her computer(that had shut down on its own) so that she would be able to look at my application the HR lady had forwarded to her. She answered four e-mails on her computer while I sat there and also texted on her phone. On our tour of the unit, she also grabbed a cleaning bottle and rag off of the custodians cart so she could go clean "fingerprints" off of her office door that were driving her mad. She said if she didn't get them at that moment that it was going to drive her crazy. She did not seem focused on me at all, which really turned me off.

I really hope that you dont have the same interview experience I had. The HR lady that i met and interviewed with first was very professional and understanding.

I'm sure you will be great and wish you lots of luck! Dont get discouraged if you cannot find a job right away, there will be one out there for you soon enough, just keep trying. I had to turn in 70 resumes before I was even offered the prn job that I have currently. And this one I just got is only part time, nights.

Write back if you have any other questions while out there interviewing, or if there are tips I can give from working in a memory care unit! GOOD LUCK!!!:D

Specializes in LTC, geriatric, renal.

Thanks! Now to get rid of the new job

Specializes in LTC, geriatric, renal.

Thank you!!

Specializes in LTC, geriatric, renal.

Those who already replied to my post, or are reading this for the first time, any advice on what to do about the situation I described above with the unprofessional interviewer:

This woman who will now be my boss was completely unprofessional in the interview. This facility is really nice, but she had me sit there while she powered on her computer(that had shut down on its own) so that she would be able to look at my application the HR lady had forwarded to her. She answered four e-mails on her computer while I sat there and also texted on her phone. Two different people from out in the hall interrupted the interview by bringing something in to her (batteries and a lamp). And any time someone passed by the door, she flagged them down and gave them some message that she had meant to tell them earlier. On our tour of the unit, she also grabbed a cleaning bottle and rag off of the custodians cart so she could go clean "fingerprints" off of her office door that were driving her mad. She said if she didn't get them at that moment that it was going to drive her crazy. She did not seem focused on me at all, which really turned me off.

Thank you for the great information and especially the words of encouragement! Totally needed a little motivation! Enjoy your success!


Specializes in LTC, geriatric, renal.
Thank you for the great information and especially the words of encouragement! Totally needed a little motivation! Enjoy your success!


You're welcome. They also asked me a lot about why I wanted that particular job. (I had to think of a lot of things on the fly, because I just applied to the facility in general, but was then told the job was for the memory care unit IN the interview.) SO just be ready for that kind of stuff.

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