Published Feb 28, 2013
nicenurselpn, LPN
120 Posts
I was recently terminated from my nursing job of 5 years. I made the mistake of making a comment about administration (not nursing, but front office). In the time I was there, I had never been written up, my employeer reviews were all good. There was never any complaint about my nursing care or how I performed my job duties.
Yes, I learned the hard way. From now on, I will keep my opinions to myself! The funny thing is that other nurses have been overheard stating the same thing but I was the one called on the carpet for it.
I have been sending out my resume and filling out job applications. The phone calls are starting to trickle in with offers for job interviews. I have saved an email directly from the HR person who fired me who stated they only verify dates of employment only.
How do I address this issue if it comes up? I have never ever been fired before, so I have no clue on how to handle this.
I am a nurse with 7 years experience and this was my 2nd nursing job.
Thank you.
MrsMig, BSN, RN
172 Posts
Why wouldn't you just say that you are still employed and you are looking for a change and you would prefer they didn't contact them as they do not know you are looking? No explanation needed... Five them your other job as a reference and other prof references
Why wouldn't you just say that you are still employed and you are looking for a change and you would prefer they didn't contact them as they do not know you are looking? No explanation needed... Five them your other job as a reference and other prof referencesGL..
Ops.. Give them other references