22 hours this semester!

Nursing Students General Students


I am in a BSN program and also the honors program at my university. Its not a nursing honors program, just a university honors program. Between all of the things I have to do, I am going crazy! I have 22 credit hours this semester (which starts tomorrow, by the way), including 3 lecture classes (Peds, Psych, and Maternal Health), the clinicals for each of these, an honors class, and an online world lit class. I am required to take all of these classes, so I can't give up taking any of them this semester. I guess I am going to have to come to terms with the fact that I will get no sleep and will be doing something for school every second of every day.

Does anyone have any advice to help me get through this semester? How can I manage my time with all the things I have to do? :yldhdbng:



I am in a BSN program and have about 25 hours including clinicals.

I dunno what to say, I just keep going and going and going everyday until everything gets done.

I dont have time for anything else either

All I can say is hugs and good luck. I hope you get through it okay and manage to get some rest.

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