8 Hours of CEUs


Specializes in Tele/PCU/MedSurg/Travel.

I thought I was going to be able to use my recent ACLS recertification for CEUs, but the ACLS instructor said they don't give CEUs for that class. Anyone have a good website where I could take a class worth 4 or 8 hours? Doing all the little classes worth 1.07 hours feels more tedious! I'll need to enter my CEUs when I renew my CA license soon. Thank you.

Medscape has free CEUs. Yes, mostly one unit but I can do perhaps 10 an hour.

Really? I always get CEUs for ACLS. How about taking PALS?

Specializes in Pediatrics and PACU.

CEU's for ACLS and PALS are only awarded for the initial 2 day class. As an RN at a level 1 trauma center I am required to meet a certain number of trauma CEU's each year. I have found rn.org and traumaed.com to be very helpful. Both offer a nice selection of free CEU's.

Both renewals can have CEUs. Depends on the instructor or the organization.

Specializes in Pediatrics and PACU.

Thanks for the correction but V- Neck T- Shirt was seeking information regarding opportunities to meet his/her CEU requirements. Both of the websites that I mentioned in my earlier post have a great selection of courses available.

One nice thing about the Medscape site I recommended earlier is that they keep a record forever online associated with your name. Every five years I have a specialty certification and Medscape's record has been a lifesaver, even totaling my accumulated CEUs from license renewals.

The sites you mentioned may do that as well and a great selection is nice for sure, Medscape's topics are a bit random.

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