Published Dec 28, 2017
2 Posts
I've been a nurse for about 6 months now, working on a very busy, acute care medical floor as my first RN job. The floors discription during my interview lead me to believe this was an ENTIRELY different job then what I had agreed to. Most of the time it is a mix between psych and detox, with anything you can imagine in between; with minimal staffing and high stress, and including but not limited to: bad management.
Enough to say: I totally do not love it. I feel as though I have no life (I work 7p-7a) and no time to do anything I love doing.
I have to be here for 1yr due to the fact I am in a residency program. But I am now (at the peak of my hate for this position) am starting to weigh out options for the future.
I absolutely love pediatrics, and would like to go that route. Considering home care, school nursing, pediatric NP.. ect.
Looking for any advice/input/ stories from other RNs both new grad & experienced to help weigh some pros and cons on my decisions.
3,413 Posts
OK, does your hospital have a float pool. It is a great way to find out what else is out there in the Great Wide World of Nursing Opportunities. Or simply offer to float when census is low.
Look through help wanted sites. You may not be eligible for all that is listed but it can steer you in the direction of what career and more schooling you need.
Apply for a different unit or hospital just to see what is out there.
339 Posts
Why not just look into pediatrics if you love it? Why even ask? But... who's to say you'll have a life at another job? Is it the 12 hour shifts or just too many, or that you don't enjoy the job you're doing now? The rotation? Could you cut back on hours?
Pros and cons?
Pros: you'll get a new job that you might enjoy.
Cons: you will stay at the same job you're in. :)
There's no harm in looking. See what's out there.
A lot of what you're doing now, and especially psych experience can be invaluable to the rest of your nursing career. That doesn't go away when you move units (parents and children will give you psych experience too.) While you're searching, keep your nose to the grindstone. To coin a phrase... suck it up. Show your job who's boss. Earn a 5-star recommendation when you leave. Keep a good attitude and take care of your patients.