Published Jan 7, 2015
35 Posts
How does it work when you are given a good reference but not eligible for rehire by the same hospital as deemed not able to keep up with the fast pace? I have no clinical issues and received high marks for professionalism and communication. I was floored when the clinical liaison for the agency called to inform me. I had a similar circumstance at another facility that renewed by contract, gave me glowing reviews, as well as a personal reference form from a charge nurse, was resubmitted recently by my agency for another assignment there as the account mgr said "oh they loved her" then received a no go from the hospital, same thing, "we liked her she is very competent" yet didn't want to "set me up for failure" afraid I would not be able to keep pace with their "peak season".
I guess my question is Am I able to use these references for future assignments as I have glowing reviews on paper from both. Or will they call them and get the "not edible for rehire" response. My recruiter with same agency has not given me any indication and is ready to submit to further assignments. I would like venture out with some other companies
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Yes. Not all agencies will call, and those that do may only confirm employment or the the referee works there or did at the time. Frankly, unless an agency has been burned badly, they would be foolish to look for negatives with positives verified. After all, they cannot make money unless they place you into an assignment.
Can you name this agency? I'd bet they are very large. No agency wants to place a traveler that ends up getting termed and QA is good up to a point.
You our definitely need to work with other agencies, especially now. Keep getting written references, usually they help to avoid exactly this issue.
At the same time, do reflect on these comments and see if you can improve. If you don't understand what the issue is exactly, I would suggest calling that person for clarification and expanding on the issue.
Agency is CCTC, been with them for three years, I've had good experience until I was cancelled from an assignment. After that they placed me on probation, which I had to complete another assignment successfully which I thought I had. Although I am not cancelled I have a "not eligible to rehire" at a specific facility of which I am still working, I got a written reference from charge nurse with nothing indicating I was not keeping up. I do think it was a difficult assignment at a very busy Level I, however I was actually shocked to get the same response from a previous place where I was renewed. Why renew me if I am not eligible for rehire now?
I worked for Cross Country for almost four years and something similar happened. I left and wish I had done so earlier. One great thing about being a traveler is you can wipe the slate clean with a new agency.
Ned, as always your erudite responses are much appreciated.
Erudite is a dangerous word. I used in an email exchange with a woman and she fell in love with me. Turns out she was the type who owned an unabridged dictionary yet had never heard that word. Not really a happy ending: engaged to be married but alas she was fickle. Be careful!
Back on topic, I could go on at some length about Cross Country. She isn't so much fickle as high maintenance. Good mistress for newbies but at some point you just have to move on and find other relationships.
Although fickle fits as CC isn't very good with commitment.
I will heed your advice! Fickle is as fickle does. High maintenance with low return.