Published Feb 4, 2017
19 Posts
Hi, I worked inpatient hospice unit 9 years and floated to this Geri psych ward I am applying for a kazillion times cause they were short staffed a lot. I only floated nights, the position I am applying for is days. What are the differences and do you think it is a good fit. I did love it there most nights...the full moon nights were not my favorites. The trouble is they were always glad for me cause I was extra help. Now I would be much more responsible, no cheers daily when I arrive! Tell me, what is the differences in days over nights. I interview Monday, what to ask?
8 Posts
I've worked days and nights at my current job. I enjoyed the calm of the night, since days are typically busier. On the flip side, if there's an issue during days at my job there is generally more support handling it. Also days are generally easier to tolerate on the body in my opinion. As you know staying up all night is not easy. I work in a 21 day detox facility where we deal with a lot of mental health. I'd say be prepared to answer questions regarding dual diagnoses. Refresh on common psych meds. Think about what answer you would give to scenario questions such as prioritization, defusing situations, safety precautions and handling clients with suicidal ideation. Also if you find day shift isn't a good fit perhaps in time a NOC shift will of luck!
I did nights 12 hour rotating for 5 years, hence why I floated so much on my off nights. Thanks for the advice.
473 Posts
I work at a psychiatric facility that has a Geri ward. My home unit is adult psychiatric - depression, SI, suicide attempts, BPD, etc.
When my unit slow, I have been floated to the Geri ward. There isn't enough money to entice me full-time to that unit. The crying, yelling, hitting, agitation and IM Ativan shots is enough to make me want to RUN back to my unit.
If you have the kind personality that enjoys that type of work, bless you. You are a better person that I am.
Our facility works 8-hour shifts and so I've been on the unit 3p-11p. I don't know what overnights are like, but I've walked past the unit at 1130 and banging and yelling is still going on occasionally.
If it is what you want, good luck and wishes for success.:)
Yes, I know the population from the nights, haven't worked with them on days. I do remember a lot of pts antagonizing each other and huge fall risk not related to anything other than frailty and disorganized thoughts. Thanks for your insights.
130 Posts
I float a lot to the Geri psych unit, probably there 50% of the time. I work nocs. It's very busy regardless of day or night. My work setting is inpatient psych and mostly forensics. About 90% of the nurses and techs I know hate floating or being forced to work Geri psych. There's 4 of us floats on nights that choose not to sign onto that unit permanently. Frankly, you couldn't pay me enough to work there.
I'd ask about admissions, if they come in only on days and PMs or also nights. Also how medically acute are the patients? We have an ALS patient, a lot of aggressive dementia, bipolar, suicidal, paranoid people. Just Bc it's "geriatric psych" doesn't mean it's all frail old people though. We get a lot of the younger mid 40s-50s age as well. And admin is more hesitant to support us using seclusions and restraints on this unit Bc "it's civil, not forensic." When a majority of the staff would rather deal with forensic patients (killers, people who've committed brutal assault, pedophiles, etc) it kind of tells you all you need to know.
But if you have the heart for it, bless you. You're a much nicer nurse than I am.
Thanks for all the advise. I might just stay put