My experience with hospice

Specialties Hospice



I'm a nursing student graduating in May 2007. Just this past week, I had my first experience with hospice. I have to say, I didn't know what to expect and honestly, I was afraid. I went to a hospice inn out here on long island. When I arrived, I was so amazed. It was such a comforting place, warm and the staff was very light hearted:)

I've always heard that hospice nurses were strong, kind and amazing people. Well, I certainly received a taste of that. I had this amazing nurse J, who showed me things and explained things to me. I loved it:)

Coming from that experience, I have a completely different view about death and dying. Completely different. I'm writing about this today because while working in my clinical today, there was a patient who was actively dying and the team of physicians were working so hard to keep him alive even though he was actively dying. Hospice was such a tranquil experience for me. I can definitely see myself working as a hospice nurse someday.

I can see why my friends love it so much. Just thought I would share:)

I'm so glad you had a great exprience with Hospice. I am a hospice nurse. Prior to this I was a ICU nurse for 6 years and a ER nurse for 12. People always ask me why I chose hospice. It is because of what you described with the patient actively dying in the hospital with the MD's doing all that can be done to stop death. Having experinces like that more then enough times. Death is a hard topic for most people. It is also the last thing that each of us does in this life. I think we need to be able to travel that road as we each chose. Hospice is about letting each person take the controls and do it their way. It is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. Hope your nursing career is a wonderful and bright one.

Specializes in LTC, Psych, Hospice.

I'll just "ditto" everyone else. I can't see myself doing anything else.......ever. For me, being a hospice nurse is a calling instead of a job.

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