Published Aug 23, 2018
ThatCriticalCareNurse, BSN, RN
18 Posts
Hello all,
Students and current RNs, what is your take on student honor societies? I have been invited to join a few honor societies such as Phi Theta Kappa (International Honor Society of the Two-Year College) and Sigma Alpha Pi (The National Society of Leadership and Success) offered through my BSN program. I believe PTK is credible, but is it worth it? NSLS smells a bit funny, is this just a vanity organization? From brief research on google it seems as though Sigma Theta Tau is the only worth-while honor society and is specific to nursing. Is it more beneficial just to join a nursing organization such as ANA or AACN?
Any experience or advice welcome.
Please add to the extremely generalized poll below.
Side note: I am also part of NSNA and my school's NSA chapter.
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
IF (and it's a big 'if') I were going to join an honor society- as a nurse the only one worth it's mettle is Sigma Theta Tau- the international honor society of nursing. It will give you some benefit in term of professional connections, conferences, research and scholarships. The others do not.
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
I agree with meanmaryjean. I am a member of Sigma Theta Tau, but don't see much (if any) value in the others. However, there might be some exceptions. A society could be valuable if it offers benefits that you will actually use -- go to local meetings, participate in the conferences, use their educational programs, etc. If it is just another line to add to your resume, they are usually not worth it. Think about the benefits each society offers and whether or not you will actually use them before you spend your money.
It's usually more beneficial to join the professional organization of your specific specialty than anything else -- because the educational and networking benefits are the most useful.