Hondros vs Fortis LPN-RN programs (Westerville Oh)


I'm looking into LPN-RN program & recently Hondros has come up. Can anyone that has done the program give me a scheduling idea? I must work FT while in school.

Also, does anyone have any insight on Hondros over Fortis? Tuition/scheduling/job placement etc? Thanks for the input!

Specializes in LTC/Sub Acute Rehab.

While I can't specifically confirm costs because I personally transferred in a few classes, I am a current FT student at Fortis. I started out PT. The PT schedule for the duration of the program is every Friday and Saturday. I did have a PT classmate in my clinical rotation that was on a Wednesday. The program is 27 months long when PT vs 18 months FT. We received full accreditation from ACEN(for the next 8 years) a few months ago; which is a big deal for the school.

I'm personally happy with the faculty because they show you they care. From the assistant dean down to a PN instructor, they have been nothing but good to me, constantly encouraging, and supportive. It's not an easy program or a perfect institution, but they care about your success. I'll take that over a possible higher or cheaper cost in program; cheaper/more expensive is not always better.

Does Fortis do all required prerequisites there? Also do you know what is the cost of the program in total without bringing in transfer credits? I'm cautiously assuming you are at the Centerville location because of accreditation because I didn't see the Columbus one on the list. Part time is Fri/Sat so what is the full time schedule? Sorry for so many questions, but I really want to get my RN!

Specializes in LTC/Sub Acute Rehab.
Does Fortis do all required prerequisites there? Also do you know what is the cost of the program in total without bringing in transfer credits? I'm cautiously assuming you are at the Centerville location because of accreditation because I didn't see the Columbus one on the list. Part time is Fri/Sat so what is the full time schedule? Sorry for so many questions, but I really want to get my RN!
Yes, I am at the Centerville campus. I transferred in 29 credits. I had to take General Bio, A&P 2, Micro, and Sociology; Chemistry IS NOT required class, or is it offered. Classes are 370.38 per credit hour. The program is a total of 106 credit hours so; if you don't have credit for the classes I initially mentioned, you will need to add an additional 9,259.50 for a grand total of 37,778.76.

Our FT schedule we go to 3 classes 2-3 days a week until the 4th quarter; at that time we have class 2 days a week and clinical from classes 2 days a week. The most difficult part is the scheduling. THE DAYS CHANGE EVERY 12 WEEKS. So, I work PRN nights (PT) to try and make things work because I have to work.

You are attending Fortis now? I am looking at Hondros and Fortis because I need to work full time during the day and take night classes. Any info that you can share would be great! Thanks so much!

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