Published Jun 12, 2012
42 Posts
i had an interview with 2 homehealth agency (a & b) in so ca area. both of them use paper documentation.
a agency said that soc $75 per visit and rn follow-up visit $55 per visit. but a recruiter at the hr said that because they (a company) have many nurses, every nurse are recommended to call a staff coordinator at lease 2-3 times a week to remind her you are available if a nurse wants a case. othersise there may be no visit given. very competitive to get a visit.
b agency said that soc $60 per visit and rn follow-up visit $30 per visit. i think that the rate is very low. but looks like they have many cases and even a nurse doesn't call the agency they give a nurse plenty of cases.
i now work for the agency that doesn't have much cases and i want to have more home health company to work for as a supplement.
i think i can work for b home health agency because obviously they are busy and i will get many cases, but is the rate too low? or is it worth a try under my situation? i really don't' like to call agency to demand a case (like a agency said).
but what do you think?
38,333 Posts
Do what is best for you. If the wolf is near the door, the lower paying agency might not look so bad. But then again, they have plenty of work and you don't have to beg for it. Personally, I would go with the abundance of work and make my obligatory calls to the other agency. However, I would expect the other nurses to get the majority of the work there, because that is probably what is going to happen anyway. Work out a system to keep your time worked and available separated and you should do fine, just like anyone else who is signed on with more than one agency.