Published Jan 9, 2004
19 Posts
Hey all,
I am relatively new posting here, so please bear with me. Thanks.
I am not a nurse, just a new CNA- just finished classes Dec. 12th- so I am not sure I quite fit in with all of you wonderful nurses here. I do have some questions though, if anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.
After putting in applications weekly since 12/12, I finally got a call from one of the local HHA for a level 1 interview. What exactly is a level 1 interview?? What can I expect, if I get hired, in working for a HHA? I have heard pros and cons to this particular type of work but, with the only other job offer I had being withdrawn(due to recent sensus decrease, 15 since I finished clinicals there) I see no other choice right now. I will be taking the State Exam Jan.15th(next thurs. ) and will then have more opportunites available 50 miles away. Any thoughts, suggestions, or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks so much for listening.
renerian, BSN, RN
5,693 Posts
More than likely they are meaning it is the first interview in a process that includes several interviews.
43 Posts
I am working as a CNA for a HHA right now. I passed my course last May, and worked for a LTC facility for the first 6 months. In November I was hired on at a home health agency and I absolutely LOVE it! I am glad that I had the experience of working LTC first, though. I think that it gave me a lot of time management skills, as well as a lot of supervised exposure to different types of patients and the care that they require. *I* personally would not have been confident enough in my skills as a new CNA. If you feel that your class prepared you well enough for home health, than I say GO FOR IT. It's awesome! As for the "level 1" interview, I think that most companies have you go through multiple interviews before you get hired. Good luck!
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my post. I did in fact get 2 of the 3 interviews on Fri. I have the 3rd and final interview tomorrow(Tues.) with the surpervisor who hires/fires people. I took my time and asked a lot of questions which didn't seem to be a problem with the lady that interviewed me. I was not expecting that!! I have no experience in any of the healthcare fields, just normal jobs, ie., fast food, warehouse, factory, etc...,
Asking questions was never really welcomed and really ruined your chances of actually getting hired. I continue to be totally amazed at all the "little" differences between this field and others. Why can't they all be this way? I will never understand it! My hubby works for CAT and has just under a month to go before he gets benefits, raise, etc..., and he has been to 'afraid' to ask any questions regarding how much he will be getting, what kind of benefits, etc..., I asked all of that stuff already and wasn't worried about how that "made me look", as it was welcomed and appreciated by the lady that interviewed me. Sorry for my ramble, I am so amazed and excited about this whole "career" thing I finally got going for me after many years of fighting and begging my hubby to do it. Thanks for listening though!
PS, I do have one itty bitty question though....... The HHA will hire me as a PA until I get State Exam results then, I will go up to CNA, including pay and more responsibilities. I know what CNA does in LTC, what's the difference in HH? Thanks again!