Hi. I'm new--looking for advice on working night shift.


I am currently working 32 hours per week in Ambulatory care and am bored almost out of my mind. I have done OR, Intensive care, Day Surgery, and Preadmission testing nursing. There is a new position posted for Float Pool RNs and offers a substantial pay raise--$5 more per hour plus another $4 per hour for night shift. I am seriously considering it, but wonder if I might be crazy to leave such a "cushy" job with no nights, weekends, or holidays. I need more challenge and the float pool requires floating to SCU/SD, Med-Surg, Psych, and maybe some ED.

Any advice about the night shift?


Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
I am currently working 32 hours per week in Ambulatory care and am bored almost out of my mind. I have done OR, Intensive care, Day Surgery, and Preadmission testing nursing. There is a new position posted for Float Pool RNs and offers a substantial pay raise--$5 more per hour plus another $4 per hour for night shift. I am seriously considering it, but wonder if I might be crazy to leave such a "cushy" job with no nights, weekends, or holidays. I need more challenge and the float pool requires floating to SCU/SD, Med-Surg, Psych, and maybe some ED.

Any advice about the night shift?


:nurse: Hello and Welcome to Allnurses.com:nurse:

Just wanted to welcome you. Cruise through the forums when you can. You will really love it here.

Specializes in long term care.

Welcome from a fellow nighter

Nights does take some getting used to. But I've been doing it for 4 years. I need to because of home/kids school schedule. But I wouldn't trade it for the world even if I could.

Much less stress at night. :chuckle

Do you have any problems sleeping during the day? If you do, how do you deal with that? I also have children in middle and high school, which is another reason I am contemplating the night shift.



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