Hi Everyone, have a question..


Hi, I'am pickles. I have about 4 yrs hemo experience. I would like to get back into dialysis, and have a couple of question about some of the post I've read. What happened to Gambro? I also read comments about some upcoming changes in medicare, will this affect staff/pt ratios? I have always thought that the ratio is nuts, especially when the unforeseen occurs!!

Hi, I'am pickles. I have about 4 yrs hemo experience. I would like to get back into dialysis, and have a couple of question about some of the post I've read. What happened to Gambro? I also read comments about some upcoming changes in medicare, will this affect staff/pt ratios? I have always thought that the ratio is nuts, especially when the unforeseen occurs!!

Hi...I work for Davita and we just bought Gambro. There will be many changes at their units, but I guarantee they will be positive changes...it will just be hard to make those changes.

Don't know about the medicare changes...I know they don't reimburse enough, but that isn't anything new. Davita's pt/staff ratio to my knowledge is 1 tech/4 patients, 1 nurse/12 patients. Of course, They did just make a new staff/patient ratio, and I am awaiting an email on that.

Good luck!

If you want to read my thoughts on Davita, there is a gal asking a question about getting into dialysis, and she is a ccu nurse.

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