Published Apr 23, 2012
1 Post
Hi! I take the HESI 4/27 and I'm confused about scoring. I've taken the Evolve practice tests several times, but the highest I can get on it is a 67%. I'm very concerned about this. Our school says they use the conversion score instead of the percentage score. I haven't been able to find the conversion score on any of my practice exams and was just wondering if anyone knows what the equivalent conversion score would be for a 67%? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!
26 Posts
I am also taking the evolve tests but I'm doing horribly. I take my exit on May 21st and I'm really worried. I've found a lot of errors on evolve's tests in the rationales, so I'm not paying much attention to them. I'm using the HESI CD, Saunders NCLEX CD and the Saunder's book to study.
Sorry, I couldn't answer your question, but I would like to know too!
2 Posts
On my first hesi halfway through my program I got a 597. I just took the Hesi Exit this afternoon. On ALL my practice test, quizzes etc I did HORRIBLE! But somehow got a Hesiscore of 855 with the conversion score of 79.32% Let me just tell you I did not come anywhere near a 79% on any of the evolve practice hesi stuff. I don't know the conversion, but I (now) believe that we really do know a lot more than we think we do. Give yourself credit, have a little faith and realize you can't bs your way through the program. You'd be surprised at how much you really do know. GOOD LUCK
@Mrs V: where did you get the HESI CD? Is it helpful?
42 Posts
The conversion score is different for each test you take. Practice CDs won't have a conversion score. NCLEX 4000 really helped me bring my HESI score up. I took my first RN exit HESI (RN Exit V-1 D) and got a score of 783 with a conversion score of 75.88% and was in the 30.7th percentile). I practiced 75-150 NCLEX 4000 questions nearly every night...just took the RN Exit V-2 D and scored 1035, conversion 90.23% and in the 91.22st percentile. HUGE difference. If you are just starting to use the NCLEX 4000 I would use it in study mode (gives rationale right after each question). In the begining I was scoring in the low 70s on the NCLEX, at the end it was 81-85 (with a one time high of 89). Hope that helps?