hesi fundamentals


Hello nurses, and current nursing students! I am having a little trouble figuring out what sites or programs are a useful guide in passing the hessi funds exam! I really need to practice as much as I can in 4 days! If anyone has any input, suggestion or advice I welcome it! Please let me know what you used to get a passing 850 score for fundamentals! Thank u very much!

Specializes in Emergency.

Yourbestgrade.com and Evolve really helped me for my Fundamentals exam.

Hello kuriin! Thank you for responding! You mentioned evolve, what exactly my test is on Friday, I keep taking these practice test and my scores are coming at 70% I am getting really scared about the actual exam. You said the your best grade.com really helped?

Specializes in Emergency.

I recommend just understanding ADPIE, infection control, Maslow's, etc. Fundamentals is just that: fundamental. Yourbestgrade has about 100 or so questions that aren't on Evolve that are pretty good (and tough). Make sure you're reading rationales for everything, too. Also recommend the Comprehensive NCLEX (Hesi) Book.

When you mention evolve, are you referring to the book I have Hesi comprehensive review for nclex rn 3 Rd edition, is that what ur referring for evolve?

Specializes in Emergency.


Your Elsevier books come with an access code that you can find additional resources on the website.

In my experience its best to really have a good working knowledge of what you are learning in your fundamentals course. Take Your Time and think the questions out. My first test I rushed and just didn't feel like doing it. Scored 780 73 conversion score. Without Specific studying but just using concepts learned in class through the semester I got 1267-99.99 conversion score in second test. For me it was just focusing on adpie abcs and General pt safety.

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