Published Aug 1, 2017
6 Posts
This is a question for those of you who are intellectually curious or just like facts and statistics. If you're looking for help on the HESI, this is not it. This is more of a thought exercise on correlation.
I had to take the HESI twice--not because I failed the first time (scored a 97%), but because I decided to also apply to a BSN program that required additional sections (critical thinking, biology). Unfortunately, the BSN program required that I take every section again. In doing so, I've noticed something interesting about the populations of people that tested with me (ADN vs BSN applicants), specifically the class averages on each section, and I wonder if the difference is significant in terms of graduation rate for each program. The results are as follows:
[scores are ADN vs BSN]
Math 66 vs 83
Chemistry 48 vs 74
Grammar 62 vs 80
Vocabulary 61 vs 80
Reading 63 vs 84
A & P 64 vs 68
203bravo, MSN, APRN
1,211 Posts
I wouldn't think that you would be able to establish a direct connection between the average scores and graduation rates unless you 1st establish a connection between the scores and the admission %. Was everyone that tested for the ADN program admitted? I would also find the testing sample to be telling.. if there were 1000 students taking the HESI at the ADN level versus 100 taking it at the BSN level.
It's also possible that the difference in scores could be that BSN candidates are expected to already have completed their general education courses such as English, Literature, Chemistry, History, etc and most ADN programs incorporate the general education into the program... It's telling that for the most part, both ADN and BSN programs, require that all students have competed A&P 1 and 2 prior to application and those scores have the closest averages.