hepatitis B vaccine for the newborn

Specialties Ob/Gyn


just to clarify:

hepatitis B vaccine - universal immunization is recommended

infants of HBsAg-positive mothers should concurrently receive 0.5 mL of

hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) prophylaxis at separate injection sites

Are there 2 products that are administered to an infant of HBsAG-positive mother?

(for the infant of the HBsAG-positive mother, the first dose is given within 12 hours of birth, second dose is given at 1 month, and final dose is given at 6 months of age -- is the concurrent HBIG given at the same times?)

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

HBIG is just given once as far as I know, and yes, they are 2 separate products.

Specializes in Med-Surg, OB/GYN, L/D, NBN.
just to clarify:

hepatitis B vaccine - universal immunization is recommended

infants of HBsAg-positive mothers should concurrently receive 0.5 mL of

hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) prophylaxis at separate injection sites

Are there 2 products that are administered to an infant of HBsAG-positive mother?

(for the infant of the HBsAG-positive mother, the first dose is given within 12 hours of birth, second dose is given at 1 month, and final dose is given at 6 months of age -- is the concurrent HBIG given at the same times?)

Every infant receives the Hep B immunization 1 st dose (with mother's consent) but infants of Hep B positive mother's get the immunoglobin also.

Specializes in Neonatal ICU (Cardiothoracic).

2 Separate products..... We use Engerix HepB vaccine and a generic HBIg. In NICU we give the HepB on d/c or when infant reaches 2kg, If mom has no/?? PNC, or has documented HepB, baby gets 0.5ml Engerix in one VL, HBIg in the other ASAP. HBIg is only given once. Baby also gets a full bath ASAP once delivered.

thanks for the information

now, to phrase the nursing diagnosis for when the infant is given vaccine or immunization:

would this be

Risk for hepatitis infection related to possible exposure

{how to capture that it is for protection/prevention?}

(this would be in the Domain: of Safety/Protection

Class: Infection

Diagnostic Concept: Infection and

Intervention: Immunization/Vaccination Management)

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