Help?? What should I do?


I applied to an accelerated BSN program and today I got the email below. My problem is that they gave us such short notice (5 days) I will not be able to make interview in person because I really can't call out on my job. phone. They do give me the option of doing a phone interview but, I have an accent which gets worst when I'm nervous so I don't interview well over the phone. They also said "In person interviews are not mandatory, but strongly recommended" which gives me the impression that the people who actually go to the interview will have a better chance over those that don't. Should I take my chances with phone interview or should I call off my job and drive 4 hours to the interview? Thanks for your advice.

April 29, 2010

Dear Accelerated BSN applicant,

Congratulations! You have made it to the second tier of the admissions process to the Georgia Southwestern State University School of Nursing Accelerated BSN Program.

Acceptance is contingent upon an interview with the Admissions Committee.

Interviews will be held May 4th, 2010 from 1PM-5PM in the School of Nursing Bld. Conference Room. Times will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis. Please review the following times you may schedule your interview for. Also, if you cannot attend in person you may schedule your interview by phone. Please include the phone number you would like to be contacted at for the interview. In person interviews are not mandatory, but strongly recommended.

Nursing schools are so competitive! For me, this wouldn't be an issue at all, I would definitely call in to work and go to the interview! You've made such a huge leap just getting this interview, and even though phone interviews are allowed, I wouldn't recommend them. Face to face leaves so much more of an impression, and you NEED to leave an impression!

So, congrats for getting this far into the process! And GO TO THE INTERVIEW... no matter what you have to do. Nursing school will change the course of your life in the end... one day of missed work shouldn't kill anyone. GOOD LUCK!!

I agree with Nursingmom109, let your employer know today, show them the letter... Likely they will be understanding. Good Luck!

I agree with the above posts. Go to the interview b/c phone interviews are usually very frustrating :uhoh3: and you can't give the same impression over the phone as you can in person...Good Luck :redbeathe

Specializes in Nursing Education.

Yeah, it sounds like this might be one of those times when you can make a short-term sacrifice for a long-term gain. Go to the interview if you can, and good luck!! Let us know how it goes!

Specializes in E.D..

GO TO THE INTERVIEW!!!!! Just reading a few of the posts on this bulletin board should tell you how competitive it is to just get into nursing school. So many people never even get the chance. Now, it's your turn! Go for it, and never look back. Just imagine how you'll feel if you do the phone interview and DON'T get in. You'll question your decision for the rest of your life. Just do it. :)

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