HELP w/New Grad Essays...aka "personal statement"


Hello all nurses,

I have been applying to new grad programs but it seems like most of them require essays/personal statements to be written. I have been out of school for probably 5 months now and I have not written any essays in a while..(i guess you can say i'm enjoying my time off school! haha :lol2:)

I need ideas and tips on what i need to include on my personal statement. what are KEYWORDS that employers are looking for?

the question is pretty much the same for all of them, "why did you become a nurse, what are you short and long term goals, what can you contribute to our hospital."

i know the reason why i became a nurse is because i truly enjoy caring for others! :nurse::redbeathe but i don't know how to write a one FULL page SINGLE spaced essay about that. i just don't want to be redundant and i think i need help with organizing my essay. i kinda have an idea of how to write my essay but your help is truly appreciated! :yeah: THANK YOU!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I see that no one responded, and unfortunately I'm in the same boat. Though I only graduated 2 months ago (is that all?), I am so over having to write an essay. I understand that they have a ton of applicants and can't possibly interview everyone, but ugh. The hoops that some of these hospitals make us jump through only to wait 2 months for a response is ridiculous. Sorry, most of this is just venting.

This is where you need to sell yourself! What would you say about yourself in an interview? Discuss your strenghts - high GPA in nursing school, leadership roles, volunteer work, passions. This isn't a "trick question", they are just trying to get to know you!

If it were me - 1st paragraph would introduce myself, school, gpa, why I wanted to be a nurse and maybe a short story about what started a passion for nursing.

2cd paragraph - sell yourself. your strengths, accomplishments, work experience, volunteer work and how these attributes would make you the BEST candidate for the job you are applying for.

3rd paragrapth - show your research about the facility and how you match up with their values and mission statement. tell them why you should be hired and highlight your academic, clinical and interpersonal skills.

give your essay to someone else to edit it and spend time on it and make sure its all grammatically correct. goodluck!

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