Published Nov 30, 2015
2 Posts
So I was given one day to pick a case study patient in clinical, and I became very close with a particular patient diagnosed with unspecified disorder of the autonomic system. My instructor encouraged that particular patient even though I explained that she was being discharged and I had not been able to complete a full assessment. Thus, now I am struggling to understand what a cranial nerve assessment would look like in a patient with this diagnosis. She was finally given a diagnosis of dysautonomia if that helps. I would appreciate ANY help! Thank you!
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
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We request that all students show what their research has revealed to them first. Then we will jump right in! If you were very close to them what did you notice in your assessment?
I would start with the diagnosis....what is dysautonomia? Dysautonomia International:
I understand. Thank you for your assistance!
Unfortunately, aside from her LOC, orientation, memory, and mood, I was able to perform no neurological assessment. She showed no abnormal findings in those areas of assessment. Otherwise, I understand the diagnosis, as much as I am able. I understand how it correlates to many of her symptoms. I also know that they had a lot of trouble with it because she has, since a young age, continued to present with very unusual symptoms that have made a stable and clear diagnosis difficult. As far as the rest of her assessment goes......
- No abnormal findings were found in her assessment or history--> no edema present, pedal pulses were equal and present, cap refill WNL, and no abnormal findings upon auscultation
- everything was WNL including RR, rhythm, and depth--> breath sound clear and not diminished--> no adventitious sounds heard, and she was not on any kind of oxygen therapy
- Regular diet with appropriate intake of solids and liquids. No abnormal findings were found in abdominal assessment (soft with no distention, tenderness, ascites, masses or organomegaly) Hx of appendectomy in 2013.Ostomy device in place.
- No catheter in place with appropriate output for her intake--> clear, yellow with no sediment
- She had no limits in this area and ambulated without assistance. ROM active with good strength for handgrips and footpushes)