Help, undergraduate gpa not up to par.


Looking to get into a CRNA program in the next 2 years. My undergraduate gpa is 2.89. The research i have been doing, requires undergraduate gpa to be 3.0 and up. What can I do, to bring up that gpa? Help. My undergraduate program was a BSN program. I did go back and redo my sciences. will that help me? My grades were higher. Any advice would be great.:)

My best advice is to take MSN courses or even Master's level Organic Chemistry, Physics and excel in them-- get an A! Get your CCRN, and maybe a high GRE score may help as well. Work in a high-acuity ICU that will give you great clinical experience. Also have good recommendation letters that explain your high-level of critical thinking. In your interview, you will have to explain why your undergraduate GPA was low, but you can mention how you've done all those things listed above to better improve your chances. A co-worker of mine was in a similar situation and she got into CRNA school. There is hope, no worries & good luck!

Specializes in critcal care, CRNA.
Looking to get into a CRNA program in the next 2 years. My undergraduate gpa is 2.89. The research i have been doing, requires undergraduate gpa to be 3.0 and up. What can I do, to bring up that gpa? Help. My undergraduate program was a BSN program. I did go back and redo my sciences. will that help me? My grades were higher. Any advice would be great.:)

Retake all sciences and get A's. Retake any undergrad classes that were not A's. Take grad classes and get A's. Not saying that all grades must be A's, but with your GPA I would try really hard to make it up. Minnesota is one place that I know of that has a minimum GPA of 2.75.

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