Help!! UNC Charlotte Vs. Mercy SON


Specializes in Telemetry/Stepdown.


I have been reading these threads for awhile and am finally posting. I have a diliema. I have just recieved notification that I got into UNCC BSN Upper Division program for Spring 2010. I am excited and scared. But, I have also applied to Mercy SON for Summer 2010. Mercy wont send out letter until mid December. I want to become a nurse soon, but am torn between the two schools. I have heard alot of good things about Mercy and fell in love with the school while I was taking a tour. I have heard good and bad things about UNCC. Has anyone attended either of these programs and can offer some insight?


Specializes in One day CCU maybe!.

I'm with MSON and they have a 100% First attempt NCLEX-RN passrate this summer (feel free to call and verify) I think the semester before was 98%. When we go to clinicals we hear that the nurses never see the "other" students but they see MSON students all the time. We've been told by hospital staff and our own instructors that we get more clinical time than any other school. The rumor I heard and this is just a rumor (you'd have to call UNCC to verify) is that the pass rate for the first attempt at the NCLEX-RN thru UNCC and a couple other Charlotte schools is around 50%.

Once you are in CHS (and maybe Novant too), they do a tuition reimbursement if you want to finish your BSN thru UNCC and can do the remaining classes online while you are working. Personally, that is the route I'm taking. MSON is in my opinion the best school in Charlotte. I was accepted to go to CPCC and chose MSON. I couldn't be more happy with my choice. The instructors are outstanding! However, it is a TOUGH school to STAY in. So you have to take it seriously. The grading system is tougher (80-85%=C; 86-91%=B; 92-100%=A; you must have an 80 to pass) and there is no bell curve or extra credit. You get what you get. When/if you get a C, its the hardest C you ever made and that is coming from a student with a 3.4 heading in and a 2.75 heading out. The validictorian the year before me had a 3.0. I believe the last validictorian had like a 3.75 or something. The majority of the students never make an A. We had two semesters where no one made A's. So if your GPA is going to matter in the end and you can't settle for less than a 4.0, you might not want to consider MSON. =)

I don't want to go into the reasons why I'm in a position to have an opinion about this, but I would definitely recommend Mercy over UNCC.

Specializes in Telemetry/Stepdown.

Thanks for the post. I decided to go to Mercy!

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