Published May 16, 2009
tigress_8207, ASN, BSN
230 Posts
Hi.Just wanted a shoulder to cry on and maybe a hug or two.I had my Final epidemiology exam this week and i'm convinced i totally blew it.I passed all semester long with A's and was totally ready for this exam.I failed because i has some stuff going on at the time.I had been getting these strange calls on my cell during early morning hours usually between 1 and 3 am where the person just stays on the line and says nothing.Well one time they called around 12:30 am.Then two nights before the exam someone broke in around 1 am.We were all in bed and didn't realise till later.The night before the exam i got another call.I was totally freaking out cause i had no idea who it could be and still dont.I went to the exam in a panic and just could not concentrate.I tried but i know i made so many huge mistakes.When i left the exam i just felt like crying cause i know i could have passed it.I talked to my teacher and he says he thinks i might do just find and is offering me so much encouragement but i just dont think i did and will have to do a supplemental exam in two weeks.I have sinced switched that phone off and bought a new one and trying to pull my self together but i'm still kindda scared.Hope i can at least get a C.Thanks for reading my post and allowing me to share my feelings.Needed TO GET IT OFF my chest.