Published May 12, 2016
1 Post
Hello guys, just a quick query I failed my crnm 2x + plus failed nclex in 2008 so that's considered 3 attempts already. No more chance for me my question is Am I allowed to take the NCLEX in the US and comeback here in Canada to register though it's my fourth attemp? Or do I have to go back in school to redo my degree? Thanks guys
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Canada counts the attempts in the US. You need to contact the provincial college of nurses
dishes, BSN, RN
3,950 Posts
Go to school and re-do your education, trying to use a loophole to allow more than three attempts to become licensed in Canada is seen as unethical by Canadian licensing bodies. Also, in most provinces, you are required to show proof of recent RN experience within the past five years, if you have not been employed as RN during the past five years, you do not meet the requirement and will need to return to school.
97 Posts
you will be allowed to take the nclex exam in the USA as long you have met the standards of your chosen state. But dishes is right that your education or practice should fall within a timeline of 3 - 5 years or else you will be required to take an approved refresher program. As to coming back to Canada, that would be a no. But you have the option always to challenge BON when you are already an RN in the USA with numbers of years of work experience and able to prove your competencies to Canada BON. I have never heard someone did that but there's always a first time. Just my thoughts.