Published Jan 22, 2008
rgroyer1RNBSN, BSN, RN
395 Posts
Hey guys I need to get some feed back on this one, I have crohns and yesterday I went to the er to get my pain and vomiting under control, which they did very well, but the nurse accidently gave me my Bentyl IV and it was supposed to be IM, well they caught the error and kept an eye on me for an extra hour, well I woke up this morning and Im having promblems my arm is Fire red, Swollen, it has a lump right over the IV site, and Ive got red streaks going up my arm, probabley phlebitis, yeah I know but the pulse in that arm is slow, my hand is cold, and Ive got purple blotchy spots on my hand, Im kind of scared of going back to the er but I need a second opinion from my fellow peers.
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
You need to contact your PCP about this.
We cannot possibly advise you in the way you require.
Good luck and we hope this all resolves without further incident.