Published Jan 27, 2023
1 Post
Just a rant but I recently started a bridge LVN to ADN and started off so poorly!! It's only been 3 weeks and just had the first exam yesterday and got a 74%-passing is 75% no less!! To top it off today I was sent home from clinical because I've lost my I.D. Badge! My instructor said it was policy and I understand but damm what are the odds!! I have an appointment with the instructor next week to go over my exam result and missed clinical rotation. Our program allows no more than 16 hours of clinical missed and/or 6 hours of lecture. Instructor mentioned they will have to figure out what I have to do to make up the hours. I feel so dumb and discouraged already. I was on top of everything in my LVN program and had passed with straight A's. It was hard enough to get accepted and now I'm struggling already. It's advanced placement since I'm an LVN and only have 9 weeks left of this semester (3 out of 4) and had been studying like crazy and got a poor grade. Any tips to cope/survive/study? I took time off work for this program and feel like a dummy not being able to utilize my time efficiently and grasp important aspects of the material. I read all the chapters and study patho but when I took my exam there would be questions where I would second guess myself and I know to use ABCs and Maslows.
212 Posts
For the tests try to do as many questions as possible, such as using quizlet, Lewis med surg nursing study guide, HESI review on the content that you are studying even before the lecture starts. You still have more tests to take so you can make it up. For the clinical, to ease your anxiety about missing anything, try to have your uniform ready the night before, hung up on a hanger with your badge fastened to it so you will not forget, also have necessary paperwork next to it as well.
FiremedicMike, BSN, RN, EMT-P
550 Posts
Welcome to nursing school, it can be soul crushing. I was an A student with a prior bachelors before nursing school, and was immediately humbled by Bs and Cs. I can count on one hand the number of exams I got an A on and I never got an A for a final grade for any of my nursing classes.
don't be too hard on yourself, keep grinding.
Jeff Keeth, BSN, MSN, RN
15 Posts
Already an LVN w/ hx of A's? You have to try a different way of studying/retaining the information. RN programs are a different breed. It's no joke and you have to find a different way to approach things. Are you freaking out at test taking in general? Is nursing the only courses you're taking? Hate to tell you but you should have made a much higher score. You need to live, breathe everything nursing during this short program. No excuses. Guard your ID with your life. Relax, particularly before test taking. Only YOU can succeed IF it's something you really want.Best to you.
2 Posts
Girl, lets take a deep breath for a minute. You've already been a LVN student with straight A's, which tells me you are more than capable of succeeding. Regarding the ID badge-we are all human and can only do so much. I understand how frustrating it can be to feel like you've "messed up." I will never forget when I got sent home from clinical for dozing off during our wrap-up discussion because I was so tired from working my FT job. All of these silly things do not define who we are as nurses!
I was also a LPN prior to getting my RN (accelerated bridge) and changing my studying techniques helped tremendously. Some tips:
More nursing school resources that might be helpful:
Free Simplified Nursing School Notes
How to Study for and Pass Med Surg Nursing
Nursing School Note Taking Tips
Nursing Concept Maps
You are capable of anything you put your mind to. Good luck - you got this!
Nurse Alexa, MSN, RN
120 Posts
You can do this! Allot time everyday to study. Use the resources that are available to you - You Tube, textbooks.
*Group study saved me during school! Make friends with you classmates and start studying together. Even on Zoom.
*Study Guides are key too. Make a condensed version of each chapter exam and go over your weak points the most!
You should see better results if you use these methods ^