Published Dec 5, 2011
2 Posts
Help!! I need a little help with a paper that goes along with my service learning project. I am stuck on the objective : List, describe with rationale, health educational needs. Any guidance as to where I can find information on this would be very appreciated:confused:
nurseprnRN, BSN, RN
1 Article; 5,116 Posts
didn't you post this somewhere else-- it's a thing you have to do at the senior center? whassamatter, you didn't like the answers you got there?
fwiw, the answer is the same: if you need to know what the health learning needs of seniors are, you can look in any number of geriatric nursing texts or journals (you know, like, in the library) for articles on how many of then have been identified and addressed. or you can make a quick questionnaire and take it to the senior center and ask them. if you are bashful about actually asking the seniors themselves what they are interested in, which would be odd because they are the people whose needs you want to know, you could ask the senior center coordinator or a geriatric nurse at the hospital.
you get to do this homework.