Help me not ruin my career... please?


Specializes in ER.

I'm 24, been an ER nurse for a year. I ended up with some major shoulder problems several months ago (and looking back, probably should've filed workers comp *first lesson!*), and ended up having surgery for a rotator cuff repair, tendon repair, and the end of my collar bone clipped a little over 6 weeks ago.

Only being a nurse for a year, I only had about 4 weeks of paid sick time built up, and no short term or long term disability (SECOND lesson!!) so I went back to work last weekend on completely light duty, and was once again, miserable. This whole injury and recovery has been so emotionally draining and I've been really down about it.

So I went to my doctor yesterday because I felt like I was doing better and was concerned about that major collarbone pain i was having. He gave me some really tough love, which is probably what I needed, because I have been in denile about this whole situation.

He said,"you've got to stop." and I'm like,"stop what?" and he says... "You have got to stop working and rest or your career is OVER. You WILL NOT work as and ER nurse again. You can't keep inflamming those muscles and expect them to heal. It will be a year before you are completely over this, and I usually keep people with this injury out of work at least 10 weeks, sometimes 3 months and THEN slowly start going back to work..."

Keep in mind, I kinda pushed him into clearing me for work because I felt the pressure of needing to go back - finances, my boss, my coworkers - I just felt pressure!!

I just dont know what to do. My unit is like sharks - not on purpose, of course, weakness is just not tolerated. If you can't take care of your rooms like people think you should, and especially if you can't help your coworkers, it's just not tolerated.

So, what do I do? Here are some ideas I've gotten:

-talk to my boss, see how they can work with me. (my problem with this is, a YEAR recovery? When will I be able to be able to tolerate the physical demands of the ER?!)

- wear my sling while I'm at work for the next few weeks, and when I'm cleared for "light nursing duty" see how it goes and talk to my boss then if I can't handle it?

- do my secretary duty for the 3 weeks I have left at it, then see about transferring to a different department that isn't so physically demanding so I can just heal for a year (after all, a year in a job I dont love isn't much sacrifice for a lifttime of the ability to do what I love? But whos going to hire somebody whos recovering from ROTATOR CUFF surgery!!?!)

- just quit my job, deal with the finances of it, and try to get another job when I'm able to work again. (uhggghh, feels risky!)

- try to go back and file workers comp. (but I dont think this is even possible?)

Any other ideas? I'm sad and depressed and who would've thought at TWENTY-FREAKING-FOUR I would have something that could ruin my nursing career? :(

Specializes in Infectious Disease, Neuro, Research.
ended up having surgery for a rotator cuff repair, tendon repair, and the end of my collar bone clipped a little over 6 weeks ago.

That is your "limited duty" statement, right there. Get a PT/OT referral, and follow the program explicitly. Do everything, from here on out, the right way.

I would talk to your boss now. When I worked the ED, there wasn't a huge rush to be assigned triage, so that is a possible plan for you, depending on your department. I'm curious as to where you work- as an EMT, choke-holds, joint manipulation, and hoisting Joe Chubb onto the cot were my responsibilities.:D Not that nurses "can't", its just poor delegation & decision making.

Specializes in Certified Nursing Assistant.

U can file for unemployment and its possible that your weekly benefit will be the max! But first and foremost u would have to let ya job let u go, u cannot resigned or let them fire you! they key is this, just tell them that your doctor said that u aren't able to perform your duties as a R.N right now and u need time off! That way when unemployment verify the reason why u aren't working they will see that u didn't get fired or at least have a good cause of why they let u go( and the reason would be is that you aren't able to perform the duties of your position there)!! I've been through it when i was driving the school bus back in September. good luck and i hope u feel better! xoxox:):):):)

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