Help! Pediatric student teaching project ideas


Hi everyone,

For my nursing program we have to complete five hours of nursing related service learning as a graduation requirement. For my service learning I'm going to be going to my children's daycare center and talking to the preschool children about various health topics and doing activities with them for an hour at a time. But I need some more ideas for topics and things to do. Right now I'm planning on talking to them about proper hand washing/covering their mouth when then cough/sneeze, oral hygiene and giving them toothbrushes, choosing healthy snack options and having them make placemats, exercise and staying active and maybe doing a game with them... and I'm not sure what else do to. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Thank you,


I would suggest incorporating more hands on activities during your presentation. Lecturing nonstop is not going to work with this age group.

Preschoolers have an attention span of about 5 minutes, so keep your teaching short and let them learn by doing.

Consider a message of "wear your helmet when you get on your trike/bike, scooter, skates, skis."

Also answer a Why question for them like why does the doctor/nurse put the stethoscope on their chest? Let them listen to their own heart beat. Create a simple demo like a balloon filled with water and a straw/tube attached. Show that the heart is full of blood and it squeezes and shoots the blood all the way to their fingers and toes carrying food and air to every place in their body. Explain that is what they are hearing.

Answer a question like "Why do people poop?" or "Where does food go after you put it in your mouth?" or "Why do people sneeze"

Teach that their body needs to sleep in order to grow bigger.

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