Help Otitis media Nsg Dx

Specialties Pediatric


Hello there. I need some help with care plan ideas for a child who had a T&A with myringotomy tube placement. I need 3 nursing diagnoses. One being Knowledge Deficit. Any help is appreciated. Thanks-A-Bunch...KELLYGIRL*;)

alteration in nutrition related to surgery alteration in comfort related to surgery

anxiety related to hospitalization

risk for infection secondary to surgery

risk for dehydration


altered nutrition

you probably would want to also put in something age related, but I'm no help with peds.

Don't you have sample care plans or a care plan book to reference?

:) Thanks for your help ladyjane and ShandyLynnRN. May blessings come back to you 10-fold.


Specializes in Pediatric Rehabilitation.


The big one we use on these kids is "Ineffective Breathing Pattern" (not sure what the actual one for nsg school would be called as ours have been modified. These kids have to be intubated for surgery and many of them have a history of obstructive sleep apnea, so this puts them at higher risk for breathing problems post op.

Pain is another biggie..

again, not sure what the actual nsg dx is called.

good luck

Thank you nurs4kids! Guess what? This little one was preoperatively diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome!

You are a great help! Blessings to you also, ;) KELLYGIRL

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