Published Feb 28, 2007
1 Post
Hi, all! I'm new to this site. Went back to school about a year ago to finally get my nursing degree. I've been working in the legal field for 20 years, but when I was in my early 20's, I was a CNA and an OB Scrub Tech.
Now that my kids are grown with kids of their own, I decided to get that RN. I've finished a lot of the "regular" (nonnursing) classes and am getting ready to formally apply. I attended a nursing information session today, where they talked about the "interview" and how heavily it weighed in the selection process. My grades are good, but I admit I'm a little nervous about this next step.
So, anyone care to share what kind of questions they were asked during THEIR nursing school interviews? I would appreciate! I'd also like to hear from others who made this career change later in life (I was 48) and how it turned out. Thanks!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,811 Posts
Welcome to Allnurses. Best wishes for success in all that you do. :)