HELP! new school RN


Hi All!

need help, new at this and a bit confused........... in reference to care plans........... what kids get a IHCP? EHCP? does spec ed do IEP? is that 504? have special considerations list....... do i work from that???? and are there any good web sites to refer to? i feel lost.............:cool:

:D Just wanted to say Congrats on the job! I have a school nurse interview on Tuesday and am both excited and nervous! Sorry I can't be of any help with your question, but I'm sure someone here will be able to help! Good luck! Oh, and if you have any tips for prepping for a school nurse interview I would love to hear them!

thx............ good luck with interview. just be yourself!

Welcome to school nursing!

Find out if your state provides an orientation or mentors

Join your professional organization:

There are online university classes for school nurses:

For interview questions, search the forum. There is a search field and there are some phenomenal posts.

Who needs a care plan?

- you decide it is nursing judgment

- students who require preventative measures

- require health accomodations for education

- requires recognition of symptoms

- requires a response

- students with Treatment, Medication, Procedures

- students with acute & chronic physical & health impairments, e.g. cerebral palsy & diabetes Developmental problems Diseases, such as Lyme disease & tuberculosis Medical interventions, e.g. gastrostomies & organ transplants Allergies, e.g. latex allergies Social / emotional problems

- students for which there is evidence based interventions

- students who require case management

Taras, H. W., Wright, S., Brennan, J., Campana, J., & Lofgran, R. (2004). Impact of school nurse case management on students with asthma, Journal of School Health, 74, 213.

Taras, H. W., Wright, S., Brennan, J., Campana, J., & Lofgran, R. (2004). Impact of school nurse case management on students with asthma, Journal of School Health, 74, 213.

Levy, M., Heffner, B., Stewart, T., & Beeman, G. (2006). The efficacy of asthma case management in an urban school district in reducing school absences and hospitalizations for asthma. Journal of School Health, 76, 320-4.

Bonaiuto, M. M. (2007). School nurse case management: achieving health and educational outcomes. Journal of School Nursing, 23, 202-209.

- Use Individualized Generic care plans

- Use General staff and teacher training Anaphylaxis Breathing Bleeding / Injury Loss of Consciousness - why? Not all kids are identified and teachers need to know what to do for a child's forst, seizure, anaphylaxis, etc.

C. Silkworth, M. Arnold, J. Harrigan, & D. Zaiger (Eds).(2005). Individualized healthcare plans and the school nurse. North Branch, MN: Sunrise River Press.

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