HELP: Need To Interview A Nurse


Hello everyone,

In my leadership class we have been asked to write a paper about a change that has occurred in the hospital setting and discuss how we as the students would have gone about implementing that change, what we would have done differently from what actually took place, etc. Although it's not really being incoporated into the paper, we have to interview a nurse who had been working for at least 5 years as part of the assignment. Anyone that is willing to help a future nurse and be interviewed would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. Thank you so much for your time. Listed below are the questions:

  1. Tell me about some changes that have happened in your work situation in the last five years.
  2. How did people react when these changes occurred?
  3. How did the staff find out about the changes? What were the rumors?
  4. Why do you think these changes happened? What reasons were given?
  5. Did this change what you do in your role? Did it change things for other people?
  6. Did you have opportunity to participate in how the changes were carried out?
  7. Were/are these good changes for you personally? For most nurses? For patients? Were/are they good for the hospital?
  8. What are you doing differently because of the changes? Are you feeling better or worse about things as time goes on?
  9. What have you learned about coping with change over the last five years?

Once again, thanks!!

we get these requests a lot, so if there are any other students out there who might get this kind of assignment, listen up:

part of your faculty's reason for giving you this assignment is to get you to go out there and speak to an rn face to face. a big email blast is not a substitute for shoe leather. an is not google.

see, in nursing, you have to learn to speak to a lot of people you would not otherwise encounter; you might find yourself out of your comfort zone. this is part of nursing, a huge part. an anonymous respondent online, well, you don't really know who we are, do you? we could be the truck-driving guy living next door for all you know.

so if all you do about learning new things is "go to the keyboard and hit send," then you are limiting your chances of actual learning a valuable skill you will need all your working life.

that said: where will you find a nurse? think outside the (computer) box.

local hospital: go to the staff development/inservice education office and ask one of them. they value education and will be happy to chat or to hook you up with someone who is.

go to the public health department downtown. ditto.

go to the local school and ask to speak to a school nurse. ditto.

go to a local clinic / physician/np office. ditto.

go to the local jail and ask to speak to the nurse there. ditto.

notice all of these say, "go to..." and not "email..." remember that part about meeting new people face to face and comfort zone.


I have done that before. It has nothing to do with not feeling comfortable talking to a nurse. It has more to do with time constraints. This was just ONE of the MANY avenues I was taking to reach out to a willing/available nurse. Thank you for your comment.

Interview completed.

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