chello everyone, i need some help in a major way. i need some tips or suggestions for a much faster med pass. i can improve on anything i do as a nurse, but can't seem to get any quicker on my med passes. if i'm not sure about a disease process i can look it up in one of my many nurse books. same thing with medications, i can look them up and study them. i can't seem to pick up speed on med pass. i know how alot of nurse's prepare the meds several hours in advance and have them in the med cups in the pts. drawer ready to grab at the next med pass.( i realize this is not acceptable, but i also live in the real world of nursing and know it sometimes has to be done. unfortunaly if i tried it, it would be the day "state" was in the building:uhoh21: )this is fine for the nurses that do it, but i'm trying to avoid getting into the habit if at all possible. so can you please give me suggestions and or tips to pick up my speed. no matter what i do i can't seem to pick up speed or confidence in this area. maybe if i can get some good tips then confidence will follow. can you all help a fellow drug pusher out:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: ? p.s to let you know a little about me, i seem to get stuck on repeatedly checking that it's the right pt., right dose, and right drug. i feel obessesive,compulsive on my med passes at times:crying2: . on the days i feel somewhat faster is usually the day i meet up with those resistant little patients. i can have anywhere from 22 to 30 pts. thanx in advance.