Help I've fallen behind!


My mom Thursday night fell and broke her pelvis in 2 places, and also hit her head with 2 staples. She has Cerebellar Ataxia, which caused the fall.

She was transported to a Level 1 Trauma center almost 3 hours away due to no ortho beds in our closes big hospital. I've been there on/off since 7pm Thursday.

Wednesday my girls were sick so I missed a/p lab- practical. I'm making that up tomorrow at 8am. I missed a/p lecture on joints the same day.

Tomorrow at 8, i make up the practical- which is tissue's and then have a a/p lecture exam on the sketelton, including the joints...

It doesnt matter how much I study right now, it's just not being absorbed because my head is with my mom- 3 hours away. I'm praying that tomorrow she is discharged to a rehab center about 1/2 hour away....that will at least make things a bit easier, but I have to get through these 2 tests first...and again, I cant keep this info in my head.

I guess, worst case- I can correct my lecture exam for 50% credit on those wrong, so even if i get a 60 I can correct it and get an 80, and the lab practical is 8% of 25% of my final a/p grade...but i didnt want to fall behind, I've tried so damn hard to ace this class..........

Sorry had to get that out


Specializes in Operating Room.

I'm so sorry for what's going on with your mom. I pray she has a speedy recovery.

I'm sure your mom wouldn't want to be the reason of not doing well, so you have to rise above the situation. I know it's hard, my mom had surgery on her arm and I had to play nurse for a week while I was in A&P 1.

I do have a couple of quizzes that may help:

Movements Quiz:

Articulations Quiz:

When I had to learn the types of joints, I made a chart, and I also printed out pics I found on the internet to study from.

(Here's a few that may help as well:)

...and lots of pics on Google images:

I hope you do well, even under the circumstances.


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