Published Feb 27, 2010
1 Post
I am fairly confident in my knowledge - but I was wondering if any one knows how many questions you are allowed to miss on the FL CNA test. I just took the practice test and some things on it were not clearly discussed yet in class.
Dorali, BSN, LPN, RN
471 Posts
You might try posting your question in your state's forum, if you haven't already. Probably be more help there.
347 Posts
This website says that the Florida written exam has 60 multiple-choice questions on it. 10 of which will not be tested on. There is a 2-hour time limit. So, you'll be graded on 50 questions. In PA, we had to score a 80% or higher to pass the exam. Good luck!
171 Posts
Im in FL to. I go to PBSC in Lake Worth and my teacher said you can miss about 10.
There are 50 questions.