HELP. ILLINOIS RN License LATE renewal


Not practicing in Illinois. Supposed to renew RN license last MAY 2014 and was not able to do so. How can I renew my license now and put it on IN-ACTIVE status? Please help me. THANKS!

Have you talked to the IL BON? Their answer is the only one that matters. But, if it's been this long (since last May), you may find that you don't have a license to renew ...

Thanks elkpark. I haven't talked to BON. I only read the rules in renewing late license and that I have to pay a fine. What do you mean by "you don't have a license to renew" ? I won't be able to renew my license at all? I am licensed in TX and practicing.

I meant that the IL BON may have a time limit for how long your license can be expired and still be eligible for reinstatement (if your license had been expired for two years, would you expect to be able to "renew" it? Three years? At what point does it stop being a matter of being late to renew vs. having let your license expire? I'm sure different BONs have different rules about that). I'm glad to hear you have a current, active license in another state. If worse came to worse, you could apply for a new IL license by endorsement.

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