Help, I need some info on education

Nursing Students General Students


I'm quite upset I found this forum so late. I have an essay due this week for my Medical Arts class and I'm stuck on the education part. I was wondering if I could get some basic info from some nurses.

If you're an LPN, RN, or BSN or a student, please take some of your time to fill out some brief information on needed education to become a nurse.

Please state what your specific field is, LPN, RN or BSN.

What highschool classes were most crucial to the nursing field and going further in it's education?

What junior college courses were needed?

What college/university classes were needed?

Are there any other types of education needed?

What was the average cost of tuition?

Thank you so much! I appreciate your help greatly.


Please just do a search on this site, this has already been discussed many times.:)

Please just do a search on this site, this has already been discussed many times.:)

okay, sorry. thnx

No problem, it is just that there are multiple threads on this topic already, and you can find all of the material that you will need for your paper.:)

Well since it seems this post wont be deleted, if you want I guess you can fill out the questions. in the mean time I'll keep searching the archives for previously posted information...



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