HELP...Graduate in 5 days


i'm graduating with my bsn and i'm currently working on my resume and i want to work in the should i word my objective...also i have spent 266 clinical hours in the icu setting (junior practicum, senior practicum, and management), should i incorporate these hours into my objective?

I dont think the hours should be listed in the objective, but rather just under a section where you mention your clinical experience. Objectives are usually more simple such as "new grad rn looking to work in intensive care unit" or something like that. good luck!

Specializes in Neuro/Trauma, 66H.

I agree with the above post, your objective isn't really the place for it. If you're really looking to highlight that you've done "X" number of hours in the ICU setting, your cover letter might be a more appropriate place to do so.

Specializes in cardiac.

i have my preceptor experience in my cover letter. this is where i explained what i have learned and accomplished. example: i did my preceptor in the ed and i have become more comfortable with iv starts and hanging ivs like dilantin.

i also have a spot under my degree/education that talks about where i did my preceptor and also other clinical areas.

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