Published Nov 5, 2011
1 Post
I am in a two year nursing program and ive completed my first 10 weeks so far. I feel like im retaining absolutely nothing and I have already made 2 medication errors within 3 weeks! I dont think nursing is for me anymore and I dont think im cut out for it. I have been failing my dosage calculation tests as well and my grades keep dropping. Im scared out of my mind!!! Im doing horrible in my pharmacology class and couldnt tell you anything that I have learned in there either! I want to quit, i need advice
191 Posts
The first semester is a doozy. I am a student as well, and that first semester can be tough. By the second semester, you'll know what to expect and things will come easier to you. I would not give up just yet. Have you considered tutoring? I would seek out help with books, tutoring, etc. before throwing in the towel. You've worked this hard to get there. Hang in there!
Wave Watcher
751 Posts
Write down all the reasons you want to be a nurse. Stick this list somewhere you can see it everyday. Read it, look at it, believe in it and believe in you.
Then, stop and take a look at your personal life.
Are you stressed? Do you really spend enough time studying? Do you work outside school...if so...maybe cut down on hours if possible. Find another way of studying...there are different techniques to studying....some use groups, some like to be by themselves. Do you have tutors available for your dosage calculations?
Like the first poster said, 1st semester can be overwhelming. I graduated in 2009 and even repeated one semester due to failing my dosage calculations....but I got myself together....repeated the semester....focused more and passed.
Hang in there. If you want it.....keep at it. If you don't then pull out now and save your money and time.
3 Posts
Nursing school is probably one of the most grueling schooling experiences. Remember it has to be tough because you will be out there helping save and maintains people health!
As others said though, reach out and use as many resources your school has to offer from tutoring and study groups. It also helps to establish a network of friends within your program to help each other with the stress. Just keep focused and remember to work hard because school will actually be over before you know it. I always told myself in school the day before an exam, this time tomorrow I will be done worrying about this exam and be stress free.