Help with Final Exam Anxiety?


Hey all,

I'm in second year of nursing school, about to finish up my Acute Care rotation on Friday (10/26). I'm in an accelerated program, and unfortunately for me, at the end of every term, the exams pile on one right after the other. My class as a whole is struggling (due to one exam in particular that we all bombed). But, being in an accelerated program, there is no time to slow down. We are all a bit borderline with our grades when it comes to passing/failing the course, myself included.

I'm confident that I know the information-- I receive numerous compliments regarding clinical and I am very hardworking. I study almost constantly when I'm not in the classroom; my social life is very minimal. With that said, I'm not sure what exactly my problem is when it comes to exams. I feel that I have terrible test-anxiety; the thought of my final exam being in 2 days makes me sick to my stomach and my heart race. I just had an exam yesterday (I passed) but I know that the questions I missed were because my head was racing with unnecessary thoughts the entire time ("Am I gonna pass? I can only miss X amount of points. I need to do well.", etc.).

Basically, I guess I'm asking-- how does everyone cope when it comes to test anxiety and/or preparing for the final exam? I know people that pull all-nighters (I am not one of them). I talked to my sister-in-law yesterday who suggested that I quit studying a few hours before going to bed the night before the exam, so that I could wind-down and relax a bit, watch TV, paint my nails, do ANYTHING except study before sleeping. She also suggested getting a good night's rest, eating a good breakfast, and NOT touching the material the morning of the exam. I have a terrible habit of waking up early that morning and cramming even more. Do ya'll agree with this approach?

Any tips for managing this anxiety?

Hello! I am also in an accelerated program so I understand how finals pile up on each other the last week. I have test anxiety about the minute before I take an exam, I begin to panic. But what I always always ALWAYS do before every single exam is pray. I don't know if you have any spiritual beliefs, but even if you don't just tell yourself "I can do this. I will get a good grade. I am smarter and stronger than I think I am. Bring it on." It sounds funny, but it always helps me calm down before I take a big exam. I am a firm believer in the law of attraction and with my experience, if I focus on the thought of failing an exam, then it happens. If I just go in with a clear mind, pray, and give myself that pep talk, I do well. I am NOT the person that stays up all night either. I think that is crazy. I agree with your sister in law. My relaxation is watching TV and not thinking of anything nursing related. You CAN do this! You have gotten this far, just remember, you are smarter than you think you are. Good luck!

I also get major text anxiety. For me it starts about 3 days before the test. Then it hits me again as we are waiting for them to say begin.

My Tips (or what I do)

1- I do not usually study at all the day before the exam or if I do it is only the early half of the day and I "try" to relax. I have done NCLEX questions on the material or bounced questions off a friend but I do not pick up my book. I ONLY pick up my notes if I got a question wrong on my NCLEX questions and I totally disagree.

2) When I feel anxiety picking up I take deep breaths.

3) tell your self to settle down you know this stuff

4) If I start to go stir crazy at home and think I need to pick up the book I try to go for a walk or exercise first. If that does not work I will pick up the book.

5) Do something for YOU the day before. Something you enjoy. Talk with friends you have not talked to in a long time. It sounds like you know the material so studying the day before all day might be making you have more anxiety than helping. If you know it you know it and should have a break, you earned it.

Thanks so much both of you!!! I will try all of that. Exam day is tomorrow-- we'll see if it works :)

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