Published Dec 13, 2015
2 Posts
I just failed my first semester of fundamentals. I was one point away from passing and my study partner was a tenth of a point away from passing. I decided to keep my options open so I went ahead and reapplied at the school that I am currently attending. I also went to another local college and asked about what I would need to do to transfer over. Many people who don't do well at the current school I am at, they transfer over to the other school and they seem to like it better. The current school I am at is definitely tougher and many hospital like to hire students who graduate from there. I have all my prereqs out of the way, all I have is the nursing courses. I really don't feel like I was prepared for fundamentals. It was a whole new world compared to anything else I had done in college. I just don't think I was grasping the information that well at first until the very last tests. If I decide to stay at my current school, I run the risk of failing again and then being dismissed from the program for 3 years. But if I go to that other school, I have to do a few of their prereqs and then I could start fundamentals in the fall. This other school also has it's students do prenursing courses. And they have a class that helps you learn how to answer NCLEX questions, unlike the current school I am at. Also if I decide to transfer, I push back my graduation date to May 2018 instead of December 2017. I really just want to hurry up and finish, I'm so tired of school. But do I want to go ahead and stay in school and transfer so that I get a better understanding of nursing and better education no matter how long it takes? I just want people's opinions about what they would decide to do. It is a very difficult decision for me to make and I want to hear what anyone else would do in this situation.
709 Posts
How do the costs of the programs compare? If you're going to transfer to a for profit school or transfer to a school where you're going to pay 3-4 times what you would pay at your first school, then I wouldn't transfer. Maybe now that you understand how nursing material is being taught, then you will succeed at the first school?
Just my two cents.
There isn't a huge difference between the two schools. I honestly think the school I am currently at is more expensive than the other one. I know for a fact the way they test with fundamentals and how they go over material, but what happens when I get to med-srug, ob/pedi, med surg 2&3?? It only gets harder as the semesters go on. One good thing about not transferring is that I have all the books, notes, and powerpoints. One thing I found helpful is watching videos online of different lectures. They give a better way on explaining things than the teachers do sometimes.