Help with CGFNS-CES application form

World International


I am a RN:nurse: from the Philippines. I am planning to take NCLEX exam for Nevada.

As one of the requirement for international graduates like me, is applying for CGFNS-CES.

I have questions on what to write on the CGFNS-CES application form.

1. PART 2:(Preliminary Information) - This is a question about previous employment. I have never worked here in the Philippines. Can I just answer it as N/A (Not Applicable)?

2. PART 12 (Institutions Attended) - On the table below, there are 4 categories under Non-healthcare Schools

Attended. Here in the Philippines, PRIMARY is synonymous to Grade school (grade 1 t0 6), Secondary is High school (1st yr to 4th yr).

My questions are:

1. What will I write in the INTERMEDIATE LEVEL?

2. What will I write under the column of Name of Diploma or Certification in its Original Language?

3. On the last column, degrees obtained, which should I check? Is it correct that I will put a check mark only on the time when I got my RN degree and I will leave others unchecked?


Please do help me.

I need to finish my form asap.


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