Published Nov 14, 2004
105 Posts
for nursing diagnosis of "Social Isolation". I am having trouble with interventions since my client is blind and sleepy most of the time from meds. She is sad and depressed and isolating herself though.
11 Posts
Instead of focusing on what your patient can't do, FOCUS on what she CAN do!
There are five senses. No vision?
She can still hear, what do they like to listen to? TV, RADIO, laughter, silence? Taste... What are some of her favorite flavors? Can you get dietary to send her favorites?
Touch... I had a friend who was blind as a bat but could feel me hold her hand and brush her hair whenever I went to see her! Can you do that?
Smell...Can you bring her a rose or something scented that seems to cause her to take deep breaths? That will encourage deep breathing and reduce complications like pneumonia! If I had a favorite perfume and it wasn't contraindicated, maybe you can spray a little on her pillow and then flip it over so it's not too strong. I used Pleasures intense!
Maybe if you can get her to focus on what she does have and that you would go through all that for her then she wouldn't be so depressed.