help!! Canada


I sent my application to CRNBC last August 2009 along with the other forms needed. And last week i received an email with my registration no. which i can use in checking the status of my application. A week later i received another mail that i need to submit my June 2006 retake results. I have a employer waiting for me in Canada. And they are asking for the status of my application. Guys..for those who applied CRNBC how many months before you were able to apply for a temporary registration? I was able to read a timeline for PNP, is my application the same as PNP.It took them 1 year to finish the whole process.i thought the processing time will only take 6 months.Im Just following the requirements of my employer

1. Apply for CRNBC

2. Apply for temporary registration

3. they will hire me

4.take the CRNE.

am i on the right track? Im thinking of applying as a nurse in Dubai while waiting for my application. or with my application status do i need to start reviewing for the CRNE? help.... :crying2:

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

Moving thread to the International Forum as it relates to immigration matters more so than nursing-in-Canada matters.

It seems probable that CRNBC will require a Substantially Equivalent Competence assessment from you, given that you're in that group from 2006 who were required to rewrite the exam. Your application hasn't been in the stream for quite two months yet; it could take until sometime in the New Year for you to have all the pieces in place for the SEC and temporary license. CRNBC registration, writing the CRNE and the PNP are all separate issues. Connected yes, but administered separately.

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