Published Apr 2, 2007
aerorunner80, ADN, BSN, MSN, APRN
585 Posts
I will be interviewing soon for three different units at a hospital for a nursing tech position.:smilecoffeecup: One is a specialty surgery, one is general acute care (med-surg), and one is SCU (stepdown/telemetry).
Can anyone here tell me about work in a specialty surgery or stepdown/telemetry? I have a good idea about med/surg already.
This will be my first CNA hospital expierence. I did my clinicals in LTC so I'm very excited about this!
Irene joy
243 Posts
Yea! what an exiting opportunity! I looked up the units on mu hospital web site but unfortunitely the info for cna's is very generic and the same for most units. It's good to know that hospitals are giving newbies a chance! Good luck with your interviews!